What is it?
taskware is a groupware to-do/task application, which supports different types of
event notification methods, including E-mail and SMS. It is written using PHP
and uses MySQL as a database backend. It was insipired by several to-do list
applications, however it gives users much more features than alternative apps.
taskware offers sophisticated task delegation/forwarding mechanism as well as
support for task file attachments and much more.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
SMS/E-mail event notificaiton
Multi-language (using gettext)
Task delegation to other people
Public/private projects
Power filters
Easy-to-use interface
Task file attachments
and much more...
The latest version is 0.7.5.
Nick Ustinov (nick@inbox.lv), intial development
Daniel Buchmann, developer
Runar Borge, developer
Brian Tafoya, developer
Can I contribute?
We're not looking for developers right now, but if you want to translate Taskware into your language, you're welcome!
See po/README in the Taskware installation directory for more information on how to do a translation.
You will need an Apache web server, PHP with gettext support (--with-gettext) and a
MySQL database. We assume these are already installed and running. For
notifications to work you need cron daemon (or an alternative one).
Last edited: $Date: 2003/02/06 17:05:27 $ by $Author: avalon $